Perodua Viva just a poor copy of Mira

Learned about the launch of the new Perodua Viva on the 10th of this month, from Xcarz who left a comment on my blog.
This new model is a replacement for the Kelisa and is based on the Daihatsu Mira (also known as the Cuore, Domino or Charade outside Japan). In fact it is almost identical to the Mira externally. Internally however, it is a different matter all together. Malaysians have been handed down the old tired design. Take a look at Paul Tan's blog post here to see what I mean.
Prices range from RM 28,400 (for the Solid color 660cc EX Manual) to RM 44,200 (for the 1000cc Metallic paint Automatic Premium) - these are on the road prices.
FYI, Perodua is short for Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd.
UPDATE: Learned from Azwan that the 660cc and 850cc versions of Viva don't have power steering.
you want a bigger persona that cannot stop in a straight line or will go directly under that lorry during emergency wet braking or that it will spin out of control if you break during a turn or that your face will break into 10 pieces when your face hits the steering wheel.
or worst, your persona got problem and you are stranded on the side of the road with you hp batery dead or your prepaid is out of credit